Very good defense-style web game. Nice touches throughout – even particle effects!
Month: January 2019
Flockoban (@LeSloDev, 2018) – 95%
Excellent Sokoban-style web game. Well polished and challenging.
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) – 65%
Pretty fun action flick.
Lord of War (2005) – 40%
Why does a wealthy business owner need to personally escort each shipment without additional protection?
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) – 60%
Not quite as good as Snatch.
Wicked Blood (2014) – 25%
Highly dumb teleplay.
Lila & Eve (2015) – 30%
Only the talent of Viola Davis keeps this from being truly awful.
Striptease (1996) – 30%
Some of the actors were performing a drama, the rest a comedy.
The Hurricane Heist (2018) – 50%
Ridiculous and somewhat fun bad movie, set in “Gulfport, Alabama” by way of Bulgaria.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) – 35%
Style over substance.